Marija Kocijasevic is a psychotherapist with over six years’ experience. It took her 10 years to change her career and move from working for a company to working independently, where she feels complete freedom. She works with women through psychotherapy sessions and workshops on embodied feminine leadership. Click here to see the upcoming events organized by Maria.

Was it difficult for you to start working as an independent?

The biggest change was actually to change the mindset. Working for big corporations, you have certain challenges; however, there is financial stability, and you do not need to deal with bureaucracy by yourself. Working as an independent, you are in charge of all aspects of your business, and no one except you is in charge of your successes and your failures.                                

You were working in marketing for an international company before starting to work as a psychotherapist. When were you sure to leave your previous job and start to fully dedicate yourself to your new choice—a new profession? 

It was a 10-year journey from the idea that I wanted to change my career to really changing it. I remember being in the FMCG industry as a young professional with a master of psychology diploma. I really enjoyed new challenges, teamwork, travel, success, and the lifestyle that came with the job.

However, I felt that something was missing; I did not feel that I was aligned with my purpose. If I really do a great job, the biggest success would be that consumers take more pleasure and shareholders gain more profit. I felt as well that I spent all my vital energy on fast-paced working days. It made me sign up for psychotherapist certification while taking on more responsibilities at the company. It took me 7 years to become a psychotherapist.

My job in marketing brought me to Switzerland, where I actually decided to quit the job and come back to my calling. After obtaining my psychotherapist certification, I quit the job and became a psychotherapist in private practice.

What are the benefits of working as an independent?

The biggest benefit is putting your energy where you decide and when you want to do it. Freedom is my strong value. Not having a boss is something that I really appreciate. I love the pace of my work; sometimes I work more, sometimes less, and I am more in line with my needs and natural pace.

Some studies show that the average age of startup founders is 45. Do you agree that it is never too late to change a profession?

I started changing my profession gradually, but I quit my career in marketing when I was 40 years old. I totally agree that it is never too late for a change, though it is always great to take into consideration whether you are ready for all the packaging that comes with the change. Nowadays, on social media, there are many great stories promoting quitting jobs and pursuing your dreams. I am not against that, but following your dreams takes a huge amount of discipline, responsibility, and luck. There are many people who quit their jobs and realize that working independently is not working for them.

You work a lot on empowering women. Can you please tell us what the most common obstacle is for women to stand up for themselves?

The biggest obstacle is that many women follow more masculine principles of leadership, which may bring them status and benefits but cut them from their feminine nature. I am deeply dedicated to finding unity between masculine and feminine approaches and to inspiring women to claim their space while staying attuned to their bodies, emotions, and cyclical nature.

Can you tell us more about your most popular programs that work towards connecting women with their inner wisdom?

I am working with women through psychotherapy sessions and workshops dedicated to Embodied Feminine Leadership. During all these years, I learned that when women are connected to their bodies and allow all emotions to be felt and articulated, there is much more clarity on their needs, desires, and visions.

I do not want to make it irrelevant that financial autonomy and education are the ways to go towards more equality and possibilities.

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