We met Mitsuko and her mom during our first Zero Waste Market. We were already using Sac a Snack products and we love them. This is the brand with the mission to teach people how to live in a more sustainable manner and to inspire others to follow their entrepreneurial dreams.

Why did you create “Sac a Snack”? Can you explain your concept to us?

We (my mum and I) created “Sac à Snack”, because we wanted to make a difference in this world. During COVID, I was reading books, and it inspired me to create my own business. I wanted something that resembled me. Thus, it was obvious to mix crafts and the environment. We decided to create alternatives to disposable packaging made of fabric to buy bread or snacks. (Hoping that the unique and colorful design makes people use their “Sac à Snack” instead of creating trash.) 

You are offering DIY workshops! What kinds of workshops do you offer? Who is your audience?

Last year, we started DIY workshops for kids and adults that want to learn to do sustainable crafts. We focus on using leftovers of our “Sac à Snack” fabric to teach upcycling.

Who is more eager to change their habits, young people or older ones too?

I think, but it’s just a guess, that for younger people it’s easier to change their habits, because their habits are not as anchored. But most of all, I believe that it’s more about the person, their motivation and sensibility, than about their age. 

You started your small business at a very young age. Do you have any advice for young people thinking of starting their own business?

Think twice! 😀 (I am kidding.)

Personally, I feel that creating your own business is the best teacher you can have. It’s so pertinent and enriching. You learn everything from creating a website to using Excel, talking to clients, using social media, etc. But the most valuable skill that I have developed is persistence. Since you have no choice but to make it work, you always find a solution.

For all the people wanting to create their own projects, I would say “GO AHEAD” and surround yourself with people that bring the best out of you.

It is important to surround yourself with the right people, to ask for advice, for help, but also to provide you with new ideas.

What is the best thing you learned during your entrepreneur journey?

The value of things!

It’s always easy to give advice when you’re not involved. Once you dedicate your energy to it, you realize all the tasks and the work you need to go through to get it done. And for this, I respect all the people that have started their own businesses. It’s a lot of work. 🙂

What are your tips to contribute to a more sustainable world?

Always do your best and be the change you want to see in the world. 

If you want to organize a workshop, an event, a birthday, or a creative company team building, don’t hesitate to contact the Sac a Snack team. They can personalize their workshops and help you learn how to live in a more sustainable way.

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